About 12 years ago, I sang in a band. I joined the band much longer than 12 years ago, but this specific year is relevant. I had music I really liked but none that I was obsessively in love with. That’s a lot of the reason I committed to joining up with a group of …
Dragon Ball Z: Light Of Hope (Pilot) – 6 Million Views Don’t Lie. Killer Live-Action Series.
Dragon Ball Z is one of the biggest cult anime cartoon series out there. Rightfully so. Its base audience is built on the generation that grew up on Nintendo/Super Nintendo/Sega/etc. That might seem slightly irrelevant but it really isn’t. Dragon Ball Z is basically an animated version of an early gaming console fantasy campaign fighting …
Penguins Finally Beat The Capitals, 4-3. Those Are 4 Goals Worth Rewatching.
The last time I addressed the Pittsburgh Penguins here, the Pens were in a bad way. A downward spiral was taking place and the team who desperately needed to develop an identity at the beginning of the season, was barely showing up for games. When Sidney Crosby resorted to dropping the gloves against a team to …
#TunesdayTuesday: Palisades – “Bad Girls”.
This week’s Tunesday Tuesday features a band I stumbled across about eight months ago tops, and have been promoting them ever since to whomever will listen to me. Palisades is a crazy band and finding their album “Outcasts” was a pleasant surprise. To people who need to categorize music so they can either take part in it …
Ever Want The Power Rangers To Be Darker And Brutal? You Got It… And James Van Der Beek.
As a kid in lower elementary school, I was of the age where schoolmates didn’t admit to watching the Power Rangers TV show because “it was for kids”. We’re always so much older and wiser than we think. So because of that, I never really owned up to watching the Power Rangers, but I watched it every single …