Mr. And Mrs. Sith: Brad And Angelina Who?

If there was a point in time you thought the fight between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in Mr. and Mrs. Smith was one of the hottest fights you have ever seen, well… you’d be right. But not anymore. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Sith. If you thought a sex-driven, multi-gun clip-emptying, hand to hand combat …

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Darth Vader And Son: The Best Children’s Book In The Galaxy.

Darth Vader and Son is so ridiculously cute and funny… neither adjectives are things I ever thought I would describe something about the relationship between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker.

Congratulations. You’re A Jedi And You’re Badass. This Is Why.

  You went through so much to steal the technical readout of the Death Star and the enemy just broke in and stole it back. They tried to kill you. You’re pretty upset about that and rightfully so. People are relying on you to get those plans back. It’s time to mess some people up. …

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Watch Today’s ISS Spacewalk Live, Right Now

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Viral Video Rap Christmas Card NOTHING!!! Star Wars Christmas Cards!!! You Lose News Guy!!!

Haven’t sent out your Christmas/Holiday cards yet!?!?!? FOR SHAME!!!!  Pittsburgh Jedi and Geek X Girls got you covered! IT’S A STAR WARS CHRISTMAS!!! Enjoy!!!