Tag: Brad Pitt

More Darth Maul Lightsaber Stunt Battles From The Creators Of Mr. And Mrs. Sith.

Defcon Unlimited is a German stunt-team and production company. They also have a bit of an affinity towards the geek-side. What’s not to like??? Beyond filming stunts, the performers themselves are incredible make up artists, costume designers, and choreographers. Pair all of that talent up with quality video production and you’ve got a really impressive …

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Mr. And Mrs. Sith: Brad And Angelina Who?

If there was a point in time you thought the fight between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in Mr. and Mrs. Smith was one of the hottest fights you have ever seen, well… you’d be right. But not anymore. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Sith. If you thought a sex-driven, multi-gun clip-emptying, hand to hand combat …

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World War Z: A MASSIVE Step Up From Brad Pitt’s AWFUL Chanel Cologne Commercial

I have been waiting to finally see what this movie was going to look like.  From the rumors I heard about years ago, it seems the plot isn’t quite the same.  Regardless… this movie looks like its going to be INSANE!!!! Enjoy!