Whooooooooo Likes Superman!!!!!!! – New Superman Costume Previews

A ton of people were very critical of the latest Superman movie, Superman Returns.  I wasn’t all that disappointed with it, but then again, even though he is the most popular super hero of all time, Superman is a hard sell on the silver screen.  Here’s a look at the new costume for the upcoming …

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#ForceFriday: The Star Wars Trilogy By The Voices From Futurama, The Simpsons, Looney Tunes and MORE!!!

I was laughing so hard at this while I was sitting at work, I had to turn it off because I had been warned 3 times by my supervisor and I wasn’t even in the office for more than an hour.  This is so ridiculously funny its out of control. Enjoy!!! “It’s the Star Wars Trilogy like …

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Use The Force Friday: AMAZING 1982 SET FOOTAGE FROM RETURN OF THE JEDI!!! #ForceFriday

“Back in 1982, a group of young Star Wars fans trekked into the California desert to crash the outdoor set of Return of the Jedi, and this seven-minute video of scenes from the Sail Barge, featuring Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Slave Leia and Boba Fett, was the result.” This is just flat out amazing… just… amazing.

Liquipel: Never Worry About Getting Your Phone Wet Ever Again.

I have held out on the smartphone wave since its birth for two main reasons and one honorable mention… #1. I’m cheap. #2. the mobile technology is too young and experimental for me to invest so much reliance on. and the Honorable Mention: working for a tech company and having constant access to the internet at all …

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#yinzerTalk Pittsburgh Slim’s Excellent Adventure… Hide the Liquor. @PittsburghSlim @fadedindustry @Four12Records

First things first… As many movies and TV shows depict writers to be dependent on some sort of hard liquor and/or other substances possessing the capability of altering your mental consciousness, so they can effectively perform their trade; after sitting down and listening to Pittsburgh Slim’s new mixtape, “Pittsburgh Slim’s Excellent Adventure”… I know he would WANT me …

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