Congratulations. You’re A Jedi And You’re Badass. This Is Why.



You went through so much to steal the technical readout of the Death Star and the enemy just broke in and stole it back. They tried to kill you. You’re pretty upset about that and rightfully so. People are relying on you to get those plans back. It’s time to mess some people up. If you’re familiar with the show Archer, your immediate reaction would be, “RAMPAGE!!!!!”.

It’s on, bro.

There are a ton of things out there people have imagined, “Hey… what if I was like that?” or “What if I could do that?”. You may or may not have thought that about being a Jedi, but I assume if you’re reading this… you definitely have. That also makes you cooler than everyone else. Little known fact. This is a video pretty much for everyone… especially because Jar Jar gets shot right in the face right away and that should universally put a smile on every man, woman and child’s face. Here is your first person shooter, Doom-style, lightsaber wielding, force power using, angle you’ve always been curious about and wish you could always have in reality. And guess what?… You’re sick. You’re totally ninja. You kick everyone’s ass because you’re ridiculously awesome.


