Use The Force Friday: Awesome #Starwars Pics Awesome People Send Me @starwars

People are more than aware of my healthy obsession with Star Wars and send me things all the time.  I decided not posting them for you all to see, makes me a selfish Jedi… and that just will not do.  Here are the ones I got today.  Keep them coming guys!!!

Slice Of Heaven: Princess Leia Hands Luke Skywalker a Cold Beer [GIF] #starwars @starwars

These are the moments that make me proud to be a Star Wars fan.  

Star Wars: Jedi Kittens Strike Back [For The Cat Craze Fans] #starwars @starwars

A dear friend of mine sent this to me.  We don’t see each other hardly at all anymore but I can’t help but love every time they see something Star Wars, they think of me. If this doesn’t make you laugh, you’re most likely a dog who loves to chase cats and never thought they could ever …

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Bruins Duper Crosby Email to Jedi Master Mears @penguinslive 3/12/2012 @pghpenguins #Pens #YinzerTalk

Jedi Master Mears, How’s it going today?  I’m back from the Big East Tournament in NYC, so I’m back in show attendance.  I got to hang out with the New York Pens Chapter while I was out there.  Is it any shock that all the coolest people I met in NYC were all from Pittsburgh?  …

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2012 #BigEastUpdate #ReHash #yinzerTalk – NYC Drinking: Far More Exciting Than The Basketball

So in a nutshell, I always join my dad, uncles and cousins for a men-only trip to NYC for the Big East Tournament.  We’re all inherent Pitt supporters despite birth location, current location and/or collegiate alma mater.  The majesty of the story is that the only blood relative of mine on the trip was my dad. …

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