By now everyone knows that Disney is making new Star Wars films. What may not be completely common knowledge is beyond expanding on the already existing saga, Disney is rumored to have planned a number of one-off Star Wars films. So in the biggest Science Fantasy world to date, where does one aim its focus to kick off this series of films? How about the only character that has lived for 800 years, surviving the vast majority of the Star Wars story as we know it? Yoda.
Yoda might not come off as the most compelling character due to his inverted English and being a little, old, hobbling, green man. You might want to step back and digest that we only know him for the last 50 or 60 years of his life (and he still showed us what a badass he really can be). In Episode I, we find out that there was a period of time of Sith extermination from the Jedi being perplexed over the arrival of Darth Maul after they were so sure that they had killed off all the Sith. That seems like a pretty intense period of time. The light and dark sides of the force, facing each other head to head for what I assume was years on end, fighting for survival. That idea alone, gets my blood pumping with exitement. That period of time falls directly inside Yoda’s lifespan and as one can imagine, he was probably an integral part of wiping them all out… or so they thought.
Our friends from G4 had this to say about the Yoda movie rumor.
According to Aint It Cool News, Yoda, the ancient, wise, and backward-speaking Jedi Master of Star Wars is heading back to the big screen. — Whoa, hold on a second, NOT for the upcoming J.J. Abrams-directed Episode VII, but rather, for what would prospectively be the first Star Wars stand alone film.
Indeed, fans knew that last fall’s acquisition of Lucasfilm by Disney would be the catalyst for some changes, but when rumors started to swirl about the possibility of spinoff films set in the Star Wars Universe, it was clear that we could be looking at a radical change in approach to how this movie canon manifested. Once previously held onto tightly by George Lucas, the proverbial Pandora’s Box has been opened.
At this point, no details are available on exactly when in Yoda’s long, long life the film is set to take place. There are numerous possibilities ranging from the story of a young Yoda getting his first lessons in the Jedi arts, to a bittersweet tale of how Yoda’s apprentice, Count Dooku descended to the Dark Side, or even a post-Jedi Purge story documenting events taking place in Yoda’s early days exiled on the “slimy mudhole” of Dagobah. There may even be some strategy to make the film more relevant to the new material by basing it on a storyline that will ultimately connect with the Abrams-christened sequel films.
Should the report prove true, it sets things up for other popular characters to get their own solo outings on the big screen like Boba Fett, Darth Maul, Jabba The Hutt…or maybe even the Rebellion’s portly pilot, Jek Porkins. — It’s a Star Wars universe, we’re just pretending to live in it.