Star Trek Explains Star Wars Day. This Is The Funniest Thing You’ll See Today.

I don’t know if there was ever actually any bad blood between fans of Star Wars and Star Trek, but somewhere along the line an impression of that being the case was born. I can imagine how that impression might have come about though.

I don’t think I’ve ever met a person that likes both Star Wars and Star Trek equally. They probably like them both, but one is always preferred over the other. I’m pretty sure the real problem is the non-fans not knowing the difference between the two franchises because they both start with the word “Star”.

“Oh you like Star Trek? Dark Vader and the laser swords are really cool looking.”

“Oh you’re a fan of Star Wars? My favorite is Spock. You know? The guy with the pointy ears.”

If you’re a passionate fan of either property, you probably feel insulted. To those super fans, it’s probably somewhere along the lines of a new mother pushing her newborn around in a stroller but being asked when the baby’s due. That’s pretty rough on a number of levels. In the same way to the mother where she’s thinking “How can you possibly not see this IS the baby and I haven’t lost the baby weight yet?”- the geeks are thinking “How dare you reduce my favorite story of all time to a mere word and similar genre???” The appalled reaction the non-fan recieves isn’t because the super fan despises one or the other. At that moment, they really just despise YOU.

Anyway, Tim Russ from Star Trek: Voyager trolls those general non-fan “Star” people in the funniest video a Star Wars or Star Trek super fan could ever want by giving the exact opposite of the official explanation to the question, “What is Star Wars Day?”

Star Trek’s Tim Russ Explains Star Wars Day

That couldn’t have been more on point. It was like being in school and that kid who didn’t read the assignment and prayed they wouldn’t get picked, gets called on to stand up and give their summary report of the assignment they clearly know nothing about.

Hit up the comments with your favorite reference from the video and I’ll see you down there. I’m really looking forward to the explanation of “Dinosaur Island.”

Have a very happy Star Wars Day and May the Fourth be with you… always. Come link up with me on facebooktwitter and instagram.

By: Eli Rebich

