Fight Club 2 Hits On May 27th But We Get To Preview It NOW!!!

Welcome to Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is you DO NOT talk about Fight Club. Well screw the first rule, we’re talking about it!!!

Do you really need me to write 300+ words about the insanely popular cult classic film, Fight Club, the unnamed narrator otherwise known as “Sebastian”, the most twisted-ly logical figment of his imagination/split personality that goes by Tyler Durden, Project Mayhem, the house, Marla Singer, “his name is Robert Paulson”, “I’m Jack’s…”, “You don’t know where I’ve been, Lou!!!”, support group meetings, single serving friends, lye, power animals, you not being your job/how much money you have in the bank/the car you drive/the contents of your wallet/your fucking khakis, why you need to get off my porch, feeling like destroying something beautiful, erasing credit debt, shooting a gun at your imaginary friends next to a truck full of 400lbs of nitroglycerin, realizing who holds the gun, meeting me at a very strange time, etc. etc. etc… right?

You don’t need me to go into all of that do you?

Didn’t think so.

Chuck Palahniuk is a genius and Fight Club is a masterpiece. Fight Club 2 is something fans have been ravenously craving since the buildings fell and the credits rolled. We finally get that story… but not until May 27th. Never fear! The preview is here!!!

A Preview of Fight Club 2

FCLUB2-1FCLUB2-2FCLUB2-3FCLUB2-4FCLUB2-5FCLUB2-6FCLUB2-7And there it is… The torturous ending of a tease to a story you’ve been dying to know more of and would now probably pick a fight with a priest and lose just to see another frame of Fight Club 2.

What do you think so far of Fight Club 2? You probably have a million Fight Club movie quotes flying around in your brain right no too, so throw them down in the comments and I’ll see you there.

I’m Jack’s social media accounts; facebooktwitter and instagram.

By: Eli Rebich


