If This Is Fake, People Are Trying WAY Too Hard: A Physical Look At The iPhone 5s & 5c


The age of surprise from Apple is pretty much out the door.  With tech bloggers having informants in places like patent offices and offshore manufacturing factories, it really seems like the only defense to not ruin the “surprise” is for Apple to deny deny deny.  Well it’s one thing to deny rumors and leaked documentation. It’s a WHOLE other ball game trying to deny physical casings of what seems to be, the new iPhone 5s and 5c in comparison to the iPhone 5.

My hopes for a bigger model iPhone looks to be doused, but the one thing that’s surely to happen here is a class division within iPhone users.  The lower/lesser class with the iPhone 5c or the “cheap iPhone” and the upper/better class with the iPhone 5s, who will surely scoff at the idea of ever owning a “cheap” model of anything.  It’s the phone version of the “have’s” and the “have not’s”.  As if the mobile device battle wasn’t absurd enough with one OS vs. all other OS-es out there, Apple just gave its users a visibly noticeable difference in device value, to pit its users against each other, internally.  That’s how I see things panning out in the Apple “family”.

Here they are.  Check ’em out.


