Spider-man 2 Apparently Comes With An Alternate Suit In Addition To Spidey’s More Traditional Garb. 2099 Sound Familiar???


So our friendly neighborhood Spider-man is back soon with a sequel to the franchise reboot that will, hopefully soon, bury any possible mention of Toby Maguire and spiders in the same breath.  With Spidey’s new nemesis being Electro, one would imagine he probably needs to use his Peter Parker nerd brain to work out some way for his suit to help protect him from electricity.  That said, some new suit mock-ups were made to model out our hero’s new look.  From what I know, these apparently are the suits that didn’t make the cut, but they all have a very common feel to them.  If you’re aware of the 2099 series, these seem quite reminiscent of that era of Spider-man.

3 suits below. Check ’em aht!!!

Do you have a favorite?  Would you mix and match some parts?


Spidey Look 1


Spidey Look 2

Spidey Look 3


