An Unlimited Talent: A Solo Exhibition by Pierce Marratto of @Touch_Faster 4/6/12 6pm @ AVA Lounge

I have been looking forward to writing this post all week.  I have had the pleasure of knowing Pierce Marrotto since we were in our high school years.  Our paths originally crossed via music, through our bands at the time, playing tons of local Pittsburgh shows together.  After more than a decade of interacting with Pierce, I can honestly say he is one of those people who stands at the junction where passion and talent meet.  Outside of our friendship and putting aside my personal bias, Pierce can undeniably be described as: a musician, a business man, an innovator, a visionary, and a creative mind.  Simply put… Pierce is an artist.

As one of the main heads of the hydra that makes up the production and promotional company, Touch Faster, Pierce and his partners have helped showcase a number of Pittsburgh artists and their work.  Tomorrow, April 6th  2012, from 6pm-9pm at Ava Lounge in East Liberty, Pierce is is holding his first solo art exhibition.  It is so rare to see a company or member within, risk putting themselves in the spotlight, lest they fall subject to criticism and scrutiny.  Having the opportunity of working with Pierce in the past, the recent present and hopefully in the future as well, he has always displayed his standard for Touch Faster as a company for artists, run by artists.  Tomorrow, he is stepping up to the plate to prove, and prove he will, he is more than on the same level as the artists he works with and represents.

Knowing how long Pierce has had this idea in the works, it’s a delight to hear it has come to fruition and I’m proud to be able to support it and him.  Admission is free so get on on over the Ava Lounge in East Liberty to check out some amazing art pieces and maybe even take a few home with you.  If your skepticism is STILL getting the best of you, below are a few of his pieces to give you small a taste of the many things to come tomorrow evening.  Connect with him on facebook and make sure to check out the facebook event  for more details on the evening .

Power On, Pierce.

Pierce Marratto

Pierce’s Art Exhibition Event Page

Touch Faster

