New Myspace Looks GORGEOUS & Looks Like It Has Some Slick New Functionality

I believe it… I’ll believe it more when I see it.  I signed up to get an invite to check out the beta roll-out.  I’ll talk more about it then.  For now… the video is plenty.

302 Patient Holed Up In Bridgville Residence With Explosive Connected To Electrical

My source was listening to police scanners and this is what I was told came across the airwaves.  Shortly thereafter, he went to the scene. I’m not sure why it took so long to hear anything from the local news stations but here’s what I know so far.  Notice the times of my posts and …

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iOs6 And Bad Apple Maps: You Have Options AND You Can Improve Your Apple Investment

Apple maps, as it stands right now, is not good.  That’s pretty well established at this point.  Also, not to be unexpected when you take into account how long it took Google to make google maps as good as it is.  Not all is lost.  You have options.  You have good options.  You have options …

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Everybody, Just Put Down Your Tablets And Smart Phones… All You Need Is LOG!!!!

There will never be a better personal gadget than Log.  Not one negative review, ever.  Every version has been PERFECT.  

The Homer Simpson Voting Experience 2012

After all these years, The Simpsons are still running at 100% efficiency.  Respect.