How Would You React To An Acoustic Cover Of “Get Low” In A Coffee Shop?: This Is Hilarious.

This is Dan Henig and now, also one of my new heroes.  If “Get Low” wasn’t inappropriate enough on its own, singing it slower, melodically with perfect pitch, and in the middle of a well-populated coffee shop, takes it to a whole new level.  Hilarious song choice aside, he’s really talented and you should check …

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If Something Huge Was Blocking Your Way, What If You Could Simply Just Fly Over It?: Robots Are Cool.

Smart people are awesome because they make things that look so fun to play with… and potentially revolutionize future processes.  Geek on, smart guys.  Check this video out. Enjoy!

IF THERE IS NO NHL SEASON THIS YEAR… We Can Still Fight Back: Mail Your Beards

There’s nothing more depressing than being able to physically see the aftermath of a fallen hockey beard.  If there’s a full NHL lockout this year and no games until next September, let the NHL and the NHLPA see the carnage they’ve created.  Show them the corpse of your clippings.  Lend them your beards!!!  I know …

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Today’s NHLPA Proposal To The Owners: “Last Offer They’ll Make” (content via The Globe And Mail)

In a letter to players, NHLPA executive director Donald Fehr outlined the union’s latest offer to the league on Wednesday. The full text of his message and the PA’s offer is below: The NHLPA’s Negotiating Committee today provided the NHL Owners with a comprehensive 6 page proposal on the key issues (see below). As you …

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Gangnam Style Live With MC Hammer: I’m Actually Shocked I Haven’t Seen A Single Person Post This.

Too legit…