NEW STAR WARS EPISODE 7 RUMORS!!! – Brought To You By Our Friends At

This is what they have to say…




We’re in the early stages of production on Star Wars Episode VII and that means the internet is literally lousy with rumors. Some credible, most bogus, but what Jedi News has been scrounging up is sure interesting. According to their source, the mysterious Jedi Master SQL, Ksenia Solo and Liam McIntyre (both pictured above) have read for roles in Episode VII. What roles exactly isn’t clear but it’s been noted Ksenia Solo would fit the part of Leia and Han’s daughter perfectly. Not to mention already having the perfect surname. McIntyre has supposedly read for the role of a Jedi, something I could easily see the Spartacus actor handling quite well.

In addition to the rumor these two actors have read and are being considered for roles, there’s a casting call currently going on in New York for a Disney movie directed by J.J. Abrams. Huh? Wonder what that could be? Here’s a description of what’s being sought from Showbiz 411,

[YOUNG MAN] Early 20s. Handsome, but not necessarily heroic. He is witty and smart. Physically fit.
[MAN] Late 20s. Physically fit, handsome and confident.
[YOUNG WOMAN] Late teens. Physically fit, raw energy, independent and with a great sense of humor.

I could easily see Solo and McIntyre fitting those two bottom roles, couldn’t you? It’s also interesting to note the first casting call rumors we saw mentioned seven roles, soo… have those four other roles already been cast? Possibly. But we won’t know anything for sure until the House of Mouse deigns to tell us.

Source: Jedi News, Showbiz 411 via /Film

