Category: Geekdom

New Spider-Man Trailer – The Reboot It Needed?

After three absolute mockaries of one of my favorite, mainstream comicbook heros, Spider-Man is back in the July release of “The Amazing Spider-Man”.  Pulling from a different generation of the most popular version of the comic, Peter Parker’s backstory and love interest, Gwen Stacy, look to have a different spin, adding a new focus and dynamic to the …

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The Avengers New Extended Movie Trailer – Star Wars Day Release

Being that I’m such a massive geek and love all things sci-fi/fantasy/action/super hero/comic book related, seeing the Super Bowl tease for the new Avengers movie captured my full attention for the 30 seconds of awesome it was aired during a commercial break. As soon as they revealed that there was yet another trailer online and it …

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